I Roar

A few months ago I had the word “Breathe“ tattooed onto my arm as a visual reminder of the victory that has been won for me, a story of overcoming what I once thought would drown me. Many know the story to some extent, and some not at all, but what I’ve tried to do in my journey is talking to others about the power of the individual voice, and how we can use our own voice to fight against what convicts us and to be a voice for the voiceless. But before I could do that, I had to fight for my own voice.

Recently I was in a conversation with my old flatmate, and as per usual our light chats changed into a deeper conversation. He is someone who I had trusted to tell my testimony to and had grown to me in some ways after spending a year sharing an apartment. I told him about how the topic of women’s rights, especially when it came to sex trafficking and the sexual abuse of women, was breaking my heart continuously. How my small experience of pain had taken years of healing and work when I was surrounded by people who loved and cared for me, how do these girls and women fend for themselves when no one is fighting for them? That I felt like I didn’t know what more to do, and I wasn’t quite certain how to move forward. He pointed me to my tattoo and reminded me again how that is my visual reminder to take a deep breath and use the voice that has been given to me, and it sounds so simple, but it was just the kindling to the fire in my heart that I needed in that time. He encouraged me again to use my voice in all the small ways I can, better to do something than to do nothing at all. 

Which is where the name of this blog came up - With my Voice, I Roar - because I am tired of living a life where I won’t fully do all I can to use the voice I’ve been equipped with, in every aspect. I will use it in my work, my studies, my friendship, relationships, missions... the list will go on. I cannot stay silent. 

A year ago in the Philippines, I shared my story publicly for the first time, and I felt such a release as I felt Jesus pulling me into something greater and new. The number of girls who had known what it felt like, in any way, broke my heart. I knew I had to fight more. 

It’s not like I haven’t tried to do my part since then, but some days it’s definitely lukewarm. But I want to be fire, I want to be a light in a dark place! I am not 100% certain how exactly I’ll do that yet, but I know Jesus will be faithful and guide the way.

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

I pray this will become a platform where I can voice my convictions and passions, and piece by little piece be able to do more for them each day.

In a few days, I’ll be going to the country that has been on my heart, India, and I’m excited to share that journey too!


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